Submitting claims

To submit a claim, press the 'Report Now' button on the home page. You will be prompted to enter the title, text, and links to relevant sources.

You'll also have the chance to take a side and stake FACT on your claim.

What makes a good claim?

  • Specificity: The claim should be specific enough that it can be clearly said to be True, False, or Undecided.
  • Falsifiability: The claim should be falsifiable. That is, it should be possible to prove it false.
  • Neutral wording: The claim should be worded in a neutral way, without any bias or loaded language.

Check yourself

Before submitting a claim, we recommend asking yourself the following questions:

  • Have I tried to prove myself wrong? Before submitting a claim, try to prove it false. If you can't, it's a good sign that it's a strong claim.

  • Does the wording sound like I have an agenda or a specific outcome in mind? Think about how your post might sound to people who disagree with you. Are you parroting a talking point, or is this a genuine search for truth?

  • If shown new information or evidence, would I be willing to change my mind? This isn't a requirement but if the honest answer is "no", you may be more likely to lose your stake.

Claim API

titlestringA falsifiable statment that can clearly be said to be True, False, or Undecided
textstringA brief paragraph or two giving any necessary context in which to evaluate the claim
linksstring[]URLs to relevant sources