

Difficulty: Easy

Your primary role is to find and submit high quality claims that the community can investigate and speculate on.

Search social media and news sources for questionable content, write a clear concise T or F claim with a clear and concise description and get 100 FACT tokens for the first claim you submit and each claim you submit subsequently that results in a jury verdict.

You do not have to stake or submit evidence - just post your claim to earn rewards!


Level 1

Submit one claim to fulfill the minimum requirement of the Citizen role.



  • Listing on the Citizen leaderboard for bragging rights.
  • Mint your Citizen NFT badge to gain access to gated Discord channels and DAO governance voting rights.

Level 2

Submit five claims that result in jury verdicts.



  • Double your rewards (200 FACT per adjudicated claim) and voting rights.
  • Mint your Citizen 2 NFT to get invitations to special Citizen 2 social gatherings to learn techniques for finding and writing high quality claims.

Level 3

10 adjudicated claims.



  • Double your rewards (400 FACT per adjudicated claim) and additional voting rights.
  • Mint your Citizen 3 NFT for new perks.