
Governance of the DAO

Factland governance is a blend of direct and representative democracy, allowing members to either vote directly on issues or delegate their voting power to trusted peers on specific topics. Voting power is tied to tokens so decision-making authority can be decentralized and dynamic.

While the dynamics can seem strange at first, the end result is a more scalable and decentralized version of what we are familiar with in our everyday collective decision making.

In our normal lives, we put our trust in people who have a proven track record in certain areas. We don’t rely on one friend or source for advice on everything. We go to certain people for certain types of problems or decisions. At a typical workplace, teams can move autonomously on tasks within their area of expertise without checking with the whole organization about every decision. This is what our system enables.

Because this project and space are new and the require development and tuning, goverance tokens will initially be controlled by a combination of subject experts, area stake holders, early contributors, community members and investors. The goverance tokens will initially be locked into voting neurions and will be incrementally made transferable as the project matures to decentralize governance.

Specifically governace tokens will be distributed as ICP SNS locked neurons with staggered disolve delays as will all goverance token rewards for contributions to the project as decided by the DAO and all voting rewards used to ensure full participation will be auto-merged so that the goverance tokens be eventually and incrementally transferable as decided by the DAO.